My name is Ilyse Craft & I pride myself on making things happen, having a super high vibe and having a distinct knowledge that I can be quite infectious. If you dig me, this can be quite intoxicating. If not, it can be annoying. 

I dream big and I am a realist. 

Over the course of the past few years, I have radically changed my life.

I know there have been people that do this in 3 months, 3 weeks or 3 days. It took me a little longer. I wouldn’t change a thing.

In fact, I wouldn’t change anything about anything, partially because I can’t and because I have this radical gratitude for the life that I do have, instead of longing for a life that isn’t mine. 

Let’s dig in.

Thank you so much for being a part of this journey with all of us. I am so happy you’re here. I pray that you gain something from this re-telling.

I find storytelling to be one of the most effective forms of Coaching and learning. Inside a story, we see glimmers of our current or past self or ways in which we hope to be one day. I have found an ease and grace in sharing pieces and parts of my life with other people, that allows them to be more of themselves, while I too, gain further access into myself. It is the gift that gives permission.

I have learned in this digital world-wide stage, that in some cultures, the phrase “storytelling” means, making up a story, or telling a lie. I have learned to speak more broadly, speaking on the world stage every time I hit the “LIVE” button on my phone, reaching millions of people with videos I have made over the past year consistently. 

For any of you that have ever thought, “I could never do that” , when it comes to making a video or going “LIVE” on a social media platform, I said the exact same thing. It wasn’t just a thought. I said it outloud. I actually judged the people doing it. “Who are they with their 2 cents?”. “What makes them the expert?”. Every and any thought that is being thought, is not new! Been there, done that, by someone going LIVE and putting themselves out there. 

Here is the great news in all of this.

In the journey of redesigning and reinventing your life, you meet yourself every step of the way. 

As an online Entrepreneur, I really thought I was starting a business. I thought that’s what was going to happen here. 

Little did I know, I was going to learn more about myself in the process, then doing anything else ever in my professional career. 

Buckle-up Buttercup. 

You will be able to find the rest of her story in the Empire Life Book, Redefine, launching in Jan 2021! Did you miss being published in Series 1? The next book, Series 2, applications are currently open to apply as a female founder to be published here.


I’m Ilyse Craft, a beautiful mix of hippie, happy and wildly driven to live life purely by my hearts desire; a very new and crazy fun concept after spending 33 years in corporate America.

I was well paid to drive profitable sales, all the while trying to prove my worth. Little did I know then, that was never going to be the place I would find it. After a health scare & heart-ache, I decided since I was going to live, to actually do just that.


Then, in late 2019, in a gift that came in a strange package, I was fired from my multiple six-figure job, that I was having a hard time leaping from.

Today, I Coach people all around the globe how to step into their power, decide what they truly want & help them become abundantly clear why they are here.

Asking people powerful questions and helping them trust themselves to know they can deliver on the answer so they can live a life of their dreams, is my dream come true.

I love to sing, car dance & deeply desire seeing the ends of the earth, preferably with my daughter and nephew, Jess & Eli. And if the rest of the family would come to, I would seriously be over the moon!

I am also a huge fan of a great love story and am excited for my “happily-ever-afterr”.


You can also find more information about Allison Ramsey, Facebook Digital Marketing Professor & Empire Life Founder at Instagram, LinkedIN, Website, and Twitter. 

To learn more about getting started with Empire Life in launching and scaling your online empire you can contact Allison, Founder of Empire Life, on Instagram and LinkedIN.


“Little did I know, I was going to learn more about myself in the process, then doing anything else ever in my professional career.”

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