Empire Life Podcast

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 The Empire Life Podcast is a podcast where we interview game-changers, empire builders, and multi-passionate entrepreneurs from all around the world. 

Fetured Episode

Empowering Women with Friendships – with Christina Orosco

The transition from being college friends to now growing as an entrepreneur friend is a huge achievement. To see each other grow and be able to see how you build each other’s empire and family can be life-changing. Having good friends who have each other’s back and are supportive helps empower another woman to strive better for her life and the goals she is trying to achieve.

Today’s special guest is Christina Orosco, Mother, Wfie, and Friend. She is a good friend of mine, and in this conversational-type episode, we talk about life in general. How we have grown as individuals, entrepreneurs, and wives. Christina shared that her marriage is a success because her parents showed her how family dynamics work. She also shared that she wished she had started creating bonds with her sisters early on in life, thinking her life could change for the better if she did it earlier. Join in this engaging conversation about women’s lives, be empowered, and learn our life story to gain knowledge and how to implement it into your lives.

Connect with Christina Orosco
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/csorosco/ 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-o-b0b2002a/ 

The host of the Empire Life Podcast, Allison Ramsey is the best-selling author of the Redefine book www.empirelifeacademy.com/book and the Founder of Empire Life, Coaching and Mentoring Company. At Empire Life, Female Founders are Guided in Scaling Their Online Empires. Allison is also a Software Developer, Data Scientist, and College Professor. She also hosts the Empire Life Podcast, which broadcasts interviews with mega-successful empire builders worldwide, and publishes expert articles in the Empire Life Blog.

With private clients, Empire Life guides clients in business strategy, structure, community building, and authentic sales in scaling the technical infrastructure for membership sites, and systems, raising prices, and confidence, automation, sales funnels, and scaling momentum with Facebook and Google Ads. The Empire Life Blog has tons of exposure and engagement every day as well. Allison is also an international speaker on women in tech, entrepreneurship, business, leadership, and business partnerships. She enjoys spending time with her loved ones in her free time.

All of the female coaches and female-led businesses who implemented Empire Life’s business strategies saw an increase in client leads, monthly income (often a 20X increase from when they started with Empire Life’s support), and client retention after having Empire Life Mentorship, apply here: https://empirelife.typeform.com/to/KkGBfS.

Episode 97    |    54min

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