Empire Life Podcast

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 The Empire Life Podcast is a podcast where we interview game-changers, empire builders, and multi-passionate entrepreneurs from all around the world. 

Fetured Episode

Achieve Success By Embracing Key Business Values – with Laura Johns

Integrity and respect are some of the core values of a company. Success can be achieved by following them and providing the best attitude towards the business-customer relationship. Upholding these values will help gain trust from others and also achieve financial success. Nurturing a culture of respect is essential to excel in the entrepreneurial mode.

Today’s special guest is Laura Johns, a member of The Business Growers. She helps managed services providers and IT companies grow revenue by providing the strategy, execution, and dedication of an in-house marketing team. Laura brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to the conversation. Growing up in a traditional Southern household, she shares how her upbringing shaped her perspective on work ethic and gender roles, instilling in her a deep appreciation for equal value in all forms of labor. Laura’s commitment to supporting women in business and her dedication to empowering her team members exemplify her leadership philosophy, making her an inspiring role model for aspiring entrepreneurs. Through her transparent and forward-thinking approach, Laura offers practical advice and actionable strategies for creating a positive and thriving work environment based on trust, integrity, and mutual respect.

Links to Connect with Laura Johns
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebizgrowers 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebizgrowers/ 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurapickardjohns/ 
X : https://twitter.com/thebizgrowers 
Website: https://thebusinessgrowers.com/ 

The host of the Empire Life Podcast, Allison Ramsey is the best-selling author of the Redefine book www.empirelifeacademy.com/book and the Founder of Empire Life, Coaching and Mentoring Company. At Empire Life, Female Founders are Guided in Scaling Their Online Empires. Allison is also a Software Developer, Data Scientist, and College Professor. She also hosts the Empire Life Podcast, which broadcasts interviews with mega-successful empire builders worldwide, and publishes expert articles in the Empire Life Blog.

With private clients, Empire Life guides clients in business strategy, structure, community building, and authentic sales in scaling the technical infrastructure for membership sites, and systems, raising prices, and confidence, automation, sales funnels, and scaling momentum with Facebook and Google Ads. The Empire Life Blog has tons of exposure and engagement every day as well. Allison is also an international speaker on women in tech, entrepreneurship, business, leadership, and business partnerships. She enjoys spending time with her loved ones in her free time.

All of the female coaches and female-led businesses who implemented Empire Life’s business strategies saw an increase in client leads, monthly income (often a 20X increase from when they started with Empire Life’s support), and client retention after having Empire Life Mentorship, apply here: https://empirelife.typeform.com/to/KkGBfS.

Episode 96    |    38min

Ep. 100  Strengthening Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset and Mentorship

Ep. 99 Make Your Online Brand Visible with Bridget Sicsko.

Empire Life Podcast All Episodes The Empire Life Podcast is a podcast where we interview game-changers, empire builders, and multi-passionate entrepreneurs from all around the world. Fetured Episode Make Your Online Brand Visible - with Bridget Sicsko. In the...

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