lita vallis’s story My childhood pièce de résistance was my fifth grade language arts class where we were assigned a poetry project. We each had to write one of each kind of poem including metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, acrostic, haiku, etc. I was in my...
laura wall’s story It was 1987. I had a small handbag from my night out. I was in a sexy dress with pantyhose and high heels, and no cell phone. In those days, cell phones were the size of a brick and only rich people like Dickie had one. I could no longer see...
I cannot delegate For along time I have thought I couldn’t delegate, this has been a limiting belief, surrounded by nauseating fear, resistance… It felt like this huge resistance came up for me every time I thought about bringing a team member into...
IIYSE CRAFT’s story My name is Ilyse Craft & I pride myself on making things happen, having a super high vibe and having a distinct knowledge that I can be quite infectious. If you dig me, this can be quite intoxicating. If not, it can be annoying. I dream...
Elle Lepine’s story Hey, beauty – my name is Eliane (pronounced Ellie-Ann) and a little over 2 years ago I decided to take my dreams seriously. I had no idea where to start. I felt unworthy of everything I desired. And completely overwhelmed with...